Great tips to help you enjoy work

Hate your job?

It doesn't have to be that way, says a career expert. You can learn to love almost any job just by following a few simple suggestions.

"A recent poll revealed that an amazing 87 percent of workers don't like what they're doing," said Jane Boucher, author of "How to Love the Job You Hate" from Beagle Bay Books.

"The trouble is, they feel powerless to change jobs in this era of companies downsizing, mergers, buyouts and business closings.

"The solution? Learn to really enjoy your work." Here, exclusively for ENQUIRER readers, are her tips for taking a bad job and making it better:

1. GET OUT of your rut. Instead of going to lunch every day at the same time, go earlier or later. Do things you don't like first so they don't weigh on your mind. Ask if you can come to work earlier or later to vary your routine. Little changes can be very refreshing.

2. DELEGATE chores you don't like. Tasks you hate might be a job a coworker would love to do. Maybe she has a chore she doesn't like. Arrange a swap! The company benefits by having cross - trained workers.

3. AVOID complaining. It's human nature to see the bad side of things, but it also makes things worse. Try to look on the bright side. It's a very simple change of thinking that can really have lasting effects. Avoid negative co-workers. You'll actually feel better.

4. BUILD good work relationships. If you hate the people you work with, you're going to hate your job. Organize get-togethers that will build friendships -- either lunchtime gatherings or after-work socializing such as a bowling team.

5. CREATE your own special project. Have you seen a way to improve the company, save money and get to your customers more effectively? Outline an action plan and take it to your supervisor. You may get the green light -- and you'll feel more involved with your job.

6. LEARN something new. Expanding your skills will make you feel you're accomplishing more and will make you more valuable to your company. Ask if your company pays for continuing education.

7. DON'T give up! Not everything you try to make your job more enjoyable will work. That doesn't mean you should quit trying. If you do your best, you're on your way to enjoying yourself.


Published on: March 30, 2004